Whenever there is a doubt about if the correct label or marking is being used or when there is no regulation in place for a specific cargo or ground handling task, the IATA manuals have become the primary source of information for our users.
From reducing errors to avoiding shipment delays or aircraft damage, the IATA manuals have served as essential tools to a variety of companies.
With 94% of IATA manual users stating that these standards helped their business, the IATA manuals have demonstrated that the benefits of using them go beyond complying with international air cargo regulations and ground operations procedures.
By using the IATA manuals you can rest assured that you follow the latest regulations and comply with international cargo shipment rules. 90% of IATA manual users refer to these standards as their primary source of information for air cargo standards and 74% refer to them as their primary source of information for ground operations. They are your essential guide to shipping and handling cargo via air!